Friendship Quotes

• Hearts could only love for a while, feets could only walk for some miles, clothes won't 4ever be in style, but having U as my Friend is forever worthwhile.
• Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life.
• Friendship opens many doors, Each with a different view. But none could be more beautiful, than the one that leads to you..!!
• A true friend understands when you say, "I forgot..." waits forever when you say, "1 minute..." stays when you say, "leave me alone..." and opens the door, 'even before you knock...'
• Don't love the love unless the love loves u and if the love loves u, love the love in such a way that it doesn't love anybody else!
• Affection is sign of love, laughing is sign of happiness, praying is sign of good faith and choosing me as a friend is your first act of smartness.
• Friendship is not how long we have been together not how much you have given or received. Not how many times we have helped each other. It's only how we value one another.
• True friends are those who care without hesitation, remember without limitation, forgive without any explanation & luv even with little communication!
• You are strong as RUM.. Fine as WINE.. Cool as BEER.. Classic as WHISKY.. Sophisticated as VODKA.. in short I'm totally TUNN in your friendship.
• My mom always told me that we could never measure our wealth by money but by our friends. She would surely be glad to meet U and know how rich I turned out to be!
• When a person can find sorrow behind ur smile, words behind ur silence, love behind ur anger; u can believe that person is your true friend.
• Friendship is silent gift of nature.. More old .. more strong.. More deep.. more clear.. More close.. more warm.. Less words.. more understanding.
• Friendship is like playing on a see-saw, not only bcoz it's always fun with each other but also bcoz smone won't mind going down to see another one rise.
• I thank the Lord for the gift of friendship where I can be myself and be accepted as I am and for finding a home in the heart of a friend.
• Friendship is all about three things -winning, losing n sharing. Winning your friends heart, losing your self ego, and sharing joys n sorrows.
• Fine friends open my eyes, smart friends open my mind, but only sweet friend like you open my heart.
• The importance of a good friend in our lives is like the importance of our Heartbeat's! Though they r not visible, they silently support our Life.
• The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.
• Nice friends will b remembered as special blessings n there r very few as precious as you, n that's the very special reason why I keep in touch with u.
• Life they say is touch and go. Some people you know may only be there for sometime. Some may go away, but people who find you special will always find ways to stay.
• To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of a True Friend like U!
• I may not b the most important person in ur LIFE... But I just hope that One day when u hear my name u wud just SMILE & say: Hey that's my friend.
• Having a Crush is sweet; Falling in Luv is Exciting; Having a Heart break Shocks; But, having a Friend like U totally Rocks!
• Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest, who came first , or who cares the best... It's all about who came and never left.
• Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.
• Friends should be like zero's. When you add, they are the same. When u subtract, they are again the same but when u try to divide, they become INFINITY.
• Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I'll always be thankful that once, along my life's journey I had U in my heart.
• Friends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance... Unchangeable by time. It's lovely to have u as one!
• I droped a coin in d sea & prayed fot a smart & intelligent friend. Then God gifted U to me & said: Itne paise to mein aisa hi milega!
• Dreams are to be forgotten, reality to be lived, desires to be fulfilled, destiny to be reached, promises to be kept, relationship to be respected and friendship to be Treasured !
• Sometime in life we think we don't need anyone... but sometime in life we don't have anyone when we need... so don't let ur best buddies go!
• Friendship is like a garden. It's beautiful when watered with lou, tears & cheers, but it dries up if left untouched. So, keep in Touch Always.
• lf you get less messages from me, don't think that l didn't care for you, but l'm searching for the best message for a best person like you!
• Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
• Friends are like do not always see them but you know they are always there!
• I realised today our friendship means so much to me that if we were the last in a sinking ship & we have only one life jacket I'll....hmmmmm..... MISS U YAAR.
• People Fall in luv not knowing why or how. It's so special a feeling that it doesn't require much answers. U just luv no matter how stupid u become.
• If anyone ever asked me, what the statement, "Life Is Beautiful" meant to me, I'd just put my hand around your shoulder, hold you close to me and say "This is it".
• Friendship requires little effort... Even when friends are busy with their own lives, a simple sms reminds each other that u r not forgotten.
• Friends are amazing when they are new, they are wonderful when they are true, but they are a "Blessing" when they are like U.
• Friends change, I know they do, but this friend will always belongs to you. Friends hurt, I know they do, but this friend gets hurt more without U.
• Friendship is when you have had a huge fight, deciding once for all... 'That's it', but then you decide to put aside your egos, hold hands & say, "I Need U..."
• Friendship is a cheque of $ HAPPY/- When u feel upset and alone withdraw it from my account; when u are too happy, deposit it in my heart !
• Count your garden by flowers, not fallen leaves. Count your life with smiles, not tears & when your life has reached its autumn, count your age by friends, not years.
• People say relations are made in heaven, but some get broken up here on Earth called Hell. But I got a friend like U, here in hell and made my life HEAVEN.
• A friend is a push when u r stopped, a guide when u r searchin , a song when u r glad, a word ven u r lonely, a smile when u r sad.
• Eyes r parents, Heart is lover, Brain is teacher, Brothers & Sisters r fingers, but a loving Friend is Blood! So always keep flowing regularly. Gud Morning!
• Alone I can only say but together we can shout, alone I can only smile but together we can laugh, alone I can only live but together we can celebrate. That's being friends.
• There is a golden bridge called friendship that spans the river of time and links our hearts together even if we walk separate roads of life.
• The loveliest day comes when u wakeup each day & find out that luv still colours ur world through friends, who truly care & never fail to remember.
• I thank the Lord for the gift of friendship where I can be myself and be accepted as I am and for finding a home in the heart of a friend.
• A lover makes you realise, 'how wonderful the world is', but its a friend who makes you realise, 'how wonderful you are!'
• True friends see u true, believe in things u want to do, feel glad when ur dreams come true. Best of all they don't judge u, they simply luv u coz u r u!
• The wrong kind of people dislike u for the gud in u & the right kind of people like u knowing even the bad in u... that makes a gud Relationship!
• I kept ur name in my Journal & posted u in the Ledger of my heart. U'll b classified as an Asset, coz ur market value as a friend never Depriciate!
• Gud relationship is like a tree. It demands attention & care in d beginning. But once it blossoms, it provides shade & protecting in all situations of Life
• A friend is not a spare tyre that u pull out when u feel life has gone flat. Friend is the steering wheel who helps u to turn ur life in the right path.
• U can buy gifts, but not luv. U can pretend to smile, but not happy. U can lie to others, but not to urself. U can have many friends, but none as sweet as me.
• A Friend is never measured by the number of times he made u laugh. But by the number of times he made u SMILE after u cried.
• Friends r like street lights along the road. They don't make the distance any shorter but they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile!
• One beautiful heart is better than thousand beautiful faces! So, choose people having beautiful hearts rather than beautiful faces
• Never walk away from true friends. When u see some faults, be patient & realize that nobody is perfect. It's affection that matters, not perfection.
• Sometimes in life, we tend 2 run so fast that we don't notice firends r running with us, we only notice them when we fall & they stop 2 pick us up.
• Eyes r parents, heart is lover, brain is teacher, fingers brothers & sisters, but a loving friend is blood! So, always keep flowing regularly. Gud Day!
• Art of friendship is like playing a musical instrument. First u must learn to play by rules & then u must forget the rules & play from ur Heart.
• I have opened an emotional account for u in my heart. Deposit ur friendship in it and I'll make sure that U receive the interest as long as I'm alive.
• Life means missing expected things and facing unexpected things. When u r right, no one remembers, but when u r wrong, no one forgets. Don't worry! I'm here to remember ur rights and forget ur wrongs.
• Friendship is a bridge between U n Me, when u r sad & lonely cross it, I'll wait on the other side forever & if u r afraid, just tell me, I'll cross it for U.
• Butterflies don't know the color of their wings, but human eyes know how nice it is. Like wise u don't know 'how good u are, but I know How Special U R.
• Log kehte hain ki achche log mar k sitare ban jaate hain, magar hum kehte hain k achche sitare gir k aap jaise dost ban jaate hain. Gud Morning!
• You konw what? I like u!
You know why? Coz u r the best.
You know why? In ur own simple ways, u make me feel special.
U know when? Since the day we became friends.
• The greatest gift u can give to someone is ur time coz when u give someone ur time, u have given them a portion of ur life that u'll never get back.
• Friends are like Street Lights along the road. They don't make the distance any shorter, but they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile.
• Friends are amazing when they are new, they are wonderful when they are true, but do you know they are a Blessing when they are like U.
• Birth is the start of life; Beauty is the art of life; Mystery, risk & tensions are part of life but friends like U are Heart of life.
• Each day God sends his angels to guide us. We don't expect to see them with wings or with halo. Instead, they come in disguise & we call 'em friends. Thnx 4 being an angel to me!
• No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying....Take Care always my dear friend.
• Hearts could only luv for a while, feet cud only walk for a mile, clothes won't forever be in style but having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.
• Sometimes in life v tend 2 run so fast tht v don't notice friends running with us, we only notice thm wen we fall & they r there to hold us. So run, as I'm there 2 hold U
• Old friends r gold. New friends may be diamond. If u get diamond, don't ever forget the gold coz to hold a diamond u always need a base of gold.
• Open ur door when u r alone, open ur heart when u feel sad, but don't open ur hand when u need a friend, coz I'm already holding ur hand forever.
• U r my best friend forever & always we're together too much but far not enough & if u die before I do ask God if heaven is got room for two
• Stars are unapproachable, Sun is very hot... Moon is too far... So God gave me a friend like you so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe'
• When things go bad & ur strength is no longer enough 2 carry on don't give up, coz where ur strength ends my worth as ur Friend begins.
• There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, that's the gift of a wonderful person coming into ur life like I have in u!
• I want you to know that your friendship mean's alot to me. If we were on a sinking boat & there's only 1 lifejacket... I would really miss you.
• Friendship is a gift when it's new, it's a miracle when it's true but u know what? It's a blessing when it'is U
• A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when u have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious, a friend is U !
• Forever in my heart, u wud be cherished & in my mind ur alwayz thought of, we may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life. I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.
• If I could pull down the rainbow, I'd write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u
• Happiness is not something u postpone for the future. It's something u design for the present. Make each moment a happy one. I hv by remembering u
• Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
• True friends see u true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad wen ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply luv u coz u r u
• My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left....I.C.U or......U C me
• We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can sum up our relationship in those three words: U R Lucky
• A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like the air. Sometimes silent but always around u. Gud Morning
• Few Relations In Earth Never Die. Wanna know wht is it?
• Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless
• God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U
• The words that escape a friend's mouth r: I'll be there when u say u need me.
But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: I'll be there... whether u say u need me or not
• If time slips away without a word from me, U don't hv 2 worry about our friendship coz feelings, beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!
• Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer!
• Friendship is about bringing out the +ve when everything seems -ve, being accepted for who u r, being able to pick up right where u left off, sharing, talking & laughing. Friendship is about us & for that I'm gr8ful
• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm a friend u can always depend on
• If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man
• Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy ending too simply coz it doesn't end as long as friends r true, just like U!
• Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date.
• Last night I dreamt that I was walking with God n I told him that I've a friend like u. He smiled n said: Beta, sab pichle janam k paap hain
• Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they are just standing by. Gud Morning
• Sitting in the loo, thinking about u.. I'm passim this msg to you so that even you know what I feel 4 you. Friend, life is shit without YOU !
• Hum aap ko itna yaad kartey hain jitna aap hame yaad kartey hain. Farq sirf itna hai ke hum yaad karke SMS kartey hain aap SMS parh kar Yaad kartey hain
• Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
• Friendship is a language spoken by heart... not written on paper, not given by pledge... it is a promise renewed every time we meet. Keep in touch.
• Hold a true friend with both your hands; don't let go for true friend comes once in a lifetime. That's why I'm holding you tight! Can't let U go
• Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each Other. And true friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time.
• A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass.
• Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U!
• We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, we laugh with whom we njoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That's Friendship, that's Luv
• Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either; just leave me alone.
• Have a Heart that never breaks; Have a Smile that never fades; have a touch that never hurts; Have a Friendship that never ends, Like Ours!
• Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled.
• It's gud to have money & the things it can buy but it's also gud to check once in a while & make sure u haven't lost the things money can't buy.... FRIENDS!
• Saathi sirf woh nahi hota jo jeevan bhar saath nibhaye; Saathi to woh bhi hai jo jivan ke kuch palon mein bhi jeevan bhar ka saath de jaaye.
• Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.
• Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, and they help us as we walk through life. Thanks for being just right for me!
• Mitha intazar te intazar nalo yaar mitha,
Mitha yar te yar nalo pyar mitha,
Mitha pyar te pyar nalo mithi sadi yaari,
Es to mitha kuj na milna lab layi duniya sari.
• I can't find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May b the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U.
• Days are too Busy; Hours are too Few; Seconds are too Fast, but there is always time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FINE. MISS U!
• Akhan di benuri changi nahin hundi,
Dostan ton duri changi nahin hundi,
Kade kade milya vi kar yaara,
Har vele SMS naal gal puri nahin hundi.
• Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U. Good Morning!
• Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but r friendship is evergreen. Don't make friends bfore understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding
• Kaliyan bina na phulan vichon mehak aundi, phulan bina na haar piroye jaande, maapeyan bina na zindagi vich aish hundi te yaran bina na dukhre roye jande.
• True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that this condition is permanent. -Erwin T. Randall
• Wonderful people r carefully created by God, wonderful moments are carefylly planned by God, wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by God
• 1 Advice- Don't change, 1 Request- Take care, 1 Wish- Don't forget me, 1 Lie- I Hate U, 1 Truth- I Miss U, 1 Hope- We'll always be Gud Friends.
• Your validity of being my friend is going to be expired today, plz recharge ur friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool msgs.
• Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent LUV, but Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but u did.
• Tere dil dian mitra tu jaane, saade dil vich tan yari teri hai,
Tu jinne din sada yaar raven, sanu unni umar batheri hai!
• Friendship is like war easy to start, difficult to end and impossible to forget. So I am having war with you, I hope you don't want peace.
• God picked up a flower, dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into u n then he gifted it to me & said this friend is for u!
• I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like you. I may not have the most expensive things but I've got a most precious gem.. a friend like you.
• All mornings r like a painting, u need a little inspiration to get u going, a little smile to brighten it & a message from someone who cares to color ur day.
• Akaash ke taaron mein khoya hai jahan saara, lagta hai pyara ek ek taara. In taaron mein sabse pyara hai ek sitara, jo is waqt padh raha hai SMS hamara.
• Friends r like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold u up, sometimes u lean on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by.
• A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here's a big smile just for U
• Painting is a feeling, never spoil it. Face is a book try to read it. Luv is precious, b ready to sacrifice 4 it & Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.
• A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower await its fall. A sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms. Keep SMS'ing
• Painting is feeling, never spoil it. Face is a book try to read it. Luv is precious, b ready to sacrifice 4 it & Friendship is like a mirror, never break it.
• Everyone says you only fall in love once, but that's not true. Every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.
• Har karz dosti ka ada kaun karega?
Hum na rahe to dosti kaun karega?
E khuda mere doston ko salamat rakhna,
Warna meri shaadi mein dance kaun karega?
• The mind 2 friends are like the lines of railway track. They never meet... but has go together to save the derailment of the Train called Friendship.
• Science has proved that Sugar melts in water, so please don't walk in rain, otherwise I will lose such a SWEET friend like U.
• A true friend understands when u say `I forgot', waits 4ever when u say `just a min', stays with u when u say `leave me alone' & opens his heart even b4 u knock
• If I'm in hell & u r in heaven, I'll luk up & b glad of u. If I'm in heaven & u r in hell, I'll pray 2 God 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without U
• I don't care how many lips u've kissed, how many shoulders u've embraced & how many times u've said, I luv u! All I care is not be the first but to b ur last!
• Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv, bcoz sun rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after Death.
• Simple music can make u sing, simple hug can make u feel better; simple things can make u happy, hope that my simple Hi will make u smile.
• People say friends are made in heaven and they come in your life. But I made a friend like you in this world and made my life a heaven.
• Dosti- kaho to ek lafz, mano to bandagi, socho to gehra sagar, dubo to zindagi, karo to asan, nibhao to mushkil, bikhare to sara zamana, simte to sirf TUM !
• Eyes: To look at you; Hands: To pray for you; Mind: To care for u; Heart: To love you and Legs: To kick u if u forget me.
• Twinkle twinkle lazy star, kitna soyega uth ja yaar, up above the world so high, Sun has risen in the sky, uth ke jaldi pele chai, then call me and say hi...!
• Words begin with ABC, numbers begin with 123, music begins with do, re, mi and friendship begins with U n ME!
• God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew, lovingly touched it, which turned into you. And then he gifted it to me n said this friend is 4 u!
• Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older just like us... I get better, u get older.
• I always thought loving some1 was the greatest feeling, but I realised that loving a friend is even better; v lose ppl v love but v never lose true friends.
• A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.
• Your friendship is a Blank Cheque for me. It's an asset not a liability, always a credit not a debit; always a profit not a loss & I hope it'll never bounce.
• Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are like flood, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come lets share it.
• Friends in heart r the worst tenants. They capture the heart, pay no rent, don't vacate & if at all they leave, they just break down the room they lived.
• Remember to remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to forget me I'll never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.
• Treat life as the sea, heart as the seashore & friends like the waves. It never matters how many waves r there? What matters is which one touches the seashore.
• I could 4get a face, 4get a home, 4get a place, 4get a name, 4get a game, I could even 4get myself but 4getting a friend like U, FORGET IT.
• Luv starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. But friendship starts with eyes, grows with an understanding and ends with death!
• 6 rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have me as Ur Friend.
• I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar. I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
• Stars have 5 ends, squares have 4 ends, triangles have 3 ends, lines have 2 ends, life has 1 end, but I hope our friendship has no end.
• True friends r like the mornings, u can't have them whole day but u can be sure they'll b there when u wake up tomorrow, next week, next year, forever.
• Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends and a garden full of memories of many good things.
• Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be thankful that once in my life's journey we became friends!
• A good friend is one who bails you out of the jail but a best friend is one who sits beside you in jail and says, 'Mamu Beedi Hai Kya?'
• I wish a wish 4 you. It's a wish I wish 4 few. The wish I wish 4 u is that all ur wishes come true... so keep wishing as my best wishes are always with you!
• Aansu tere nikle to ankhein meri ho,
dil tera dhadke to dhadkan meri ho,
khuda kare dosti humari itni gehri ho,
juttiyan aapke paren aur kartoot mere ho!
• Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.
• Don't place me in your eyes, I may fall as a tear, place me in your heart, so that every beat reminds you that this friend is always there for you.
• If ever in your life u r very sad n feel that u have lost everything, I'll come, hold ur hand, take u 4 walk on a bridge and show u where 2 jump from.
• Friendship is like the relation between hand and eyes. Its like when the hand gets hurt, eyes cries, and when the eye cries, the hand wipes.
• People vanish, people die. People laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget, but never will I.
• Q: What's the difference between a Kiss, a car & a monkey?
A: A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear & the monkey is U dear!
• Our friendship is like playing on a see-saw, not only because its always fun being with u but also because I won't mind going down to see u rise.
• Some friends r worth 2b thrown, some r good 2 keep, some r 2b treasured 4 ever. I think u r the one 2b thrown in the treasure box 2b kept 4 ever.
• When you are counting all your friends, the oldest, the best & the new... I wud like to stand by ur side & say two little words..."ME TOO"
• Friendship is like peeing in ur pants. Everyone can c it but only u can feel its true warmth. Thanks 4 being the pee in my pants.
• A friend is sweet when its new but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But you know what? It's sweetest when its you.
• Valuing Friendship is not merely by seeing each other everyday. What counts is that somehow in our busy lives, we remember EACH OTHER.
• A friend is 1% funny, 2% sweet, 3% caring, 4% loving, 90% good looking.
Thats why I am your friend! You are so lucky.
• Hey friend, remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no beauty so the world needs YOU after all!
• Friends are like puzzle pieces. If one goes away, that special piece can never be replaced and that puzzle will never be whole again.
• Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
• Life can b hard & not always fun, but as night brings dark morning brings sun. Ven life gets tough & no1 seems 2 care give me a call coz I'll always b there!
• U can b a doctor & save lives, a lawyer & defend lives, a soldier & protect lives or simply b urself, a sweet person who touches hearts!


pappy said...

Hi i m here.any one can did friendship with me?

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